Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned
1 min read
05 Oct

Thanks to the folks over at GP.

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)  just recently won a major lawsuit brought against the CDC, requiring the agency to turn over its V-safe COVID Vaccine Injury Data. 

“To make this data public, ICAN activated its legal team. After suing the CDC twice, the CDC capitulated in a court order requiring the release of the data,” according to the company news release. “ICAN has taken the CDC’s official raw data and created a visual dashboard interface for ease of use.”

According to the data, Out of the 10 million people who used v-safe, 3,353,110 were hurt. And 6,458,751 health impacts were reported by v-safe users. Options for health impacts were:

  1. unable to work or attend school;
  2. unable to do your normal daily activities; and/or
  3. get care from a doctor or other healthcare professional.

Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned.Creative Commons License
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