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So much for the noise that the vaccine keeps you safe. So says Silk, the sister of Diamond who recently died. Yes Diamond took the booster jab and her sister claims that it's what killed her. For how long has the left been telling us the vaccine was safe. You won't convince Silk.
We have this from Silk.
Silk: As soon as Diamond hung up the phone, she said to me, “I can’t breathe.”
"It was sudden, out of nowhere and no warning. I got her to the kitchen table, opened up the back door so that she can get some air. And, each breath was less and less and less, until her eyes became a stare… My husband and I followed the 911 instructions from the lady. We laid her. Like they told us to lay her flat. They said do CPR. And it was one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four… My husband and I alternated and kept going and going and going, until the emergency truck came into the yard and the EMS came into the house. "
"They did everything that they could.So what I want to say to everybody is don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist. Because I saw it happen. I saw how it happened. I was there when it happened and it happened suddenly. I want America to wake up and pay attention. Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here! And get some answers to why our people are falling dead suddenly."
So you now know what happens when you listen to Tony the Fauch