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Where are the Latinos going in 2022?

Where are the Latinos going in 2022? Two numbers stick out for me in this recall vote. Elder got 17% of the black vote and 40% of the Latino vote. Newsom raised almost 100 million, but his numbers dropped 4% from two years ago.

Blacks and Latinos are not the same when it comes to the economy, and that long term will be the Democrats downfall. Where as the blacks rely so much on welfare vs work, Latinos legal and undocumented want to work ( Not play Baketball ).

The recall actually performed slightly better in the heavily Latino Imperial County than it did statewide, with 38.7 percent of voters in the county voting to remove Newsom from office, compared to 36.1 percent in the entire state, though not all votes have been counted yet

.Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 won Imperial County by 41 percentage points. President Joe Biden won it by 25 percentage points in 2020. Now, the pro-Newsom anti-recall effort is winning it by 22.6 percentage points so far. 

Nearly 4 in 10 Californians are Latino, so even small shifts in their vote preferences can be significant.

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