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Are you sure Donald Trump isn't still the President? U.S. GDP Jumped 6.4%—Before the Biden Stimulus. President Trumps policies and stimulus is still producing some nice numbers. Remember that Biden's stimulus didn't start till the middle of March. When the official numbers for the quarter ended. So we're still seeing the results of what President Trump left for Joe.
What can kill the Trump Economy? We have this from John Carney at Breitbart.
It remains to be seen whether the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion “rescue” package will have a big impact on the economy. Supporters say it will further accelerate the rebound. But some critics— including some prominent liberal economists like Larry Summers—fear that the additional spending, funded mostly through borrowing, could push up inflation too high. Alternatively, consumers could react to the skyrocketing price tag of government programs and escalating debt by pre-emptively pulling back their own spending in anticipation of having to pay higher taxes later. Biden is already proposing to raise taxes on wealthier households and to jack up the corporate tax rates, which would likely lower investment income for U.S. households.
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